Berikut ini merupakan beberapa daftar hewan-hewan prasejarah yang menurut saya sangat menakjubkan dan mempesona
Sebelum manusia pertama menginjakkan kaki di Benua Australia sekitar 40.000 tahun lalu, beraneka ragam hewan berkantung berukuran besar pernah hidup di sana. Salah satu yang terbesar ialahDiprotodon. Hewan berkantung yang satu ini diperkirakan ukurannya sebesar seekor Kuda Nil dewasa. Dilihat dari bentuk morfologinya, ia terlihat mirip seperti seekor Wombat – spesies hewan berkantung Australia – namun berukuran raksasa. Sama seperti kebanyakan hewan-hewan berkantung lainnya, Diprotodon juga mengkonsumsi dedaunan sebagai makanan utamanya. Meskipun mereka bukanlah hewan yang memiliki pergerakan gesit seperti Kanguru, namun ukuran badannya yang besar dan kuat membuat para predator sangat sulit untuk menaklukannya.
Ketika para ilmuwan menemukan fosil Moropus untuk pertamakalinya, mereka seakan sulit mempercayai bentuk morfologi dari makhluk yang satu ini. Hewan purba dengan bentuk kepala menyerupai kepala kuda ini benar-benar memiliki bentuk tubuh yang aneh. Para Ilmuwan mendeskripsikannya sebagai “campuran” dari tiga binatang, yaitu Kuda, Jerapah kerdil, dan Beruang. Kepalanya yang mirip kuda serta badannya yang menyerupai badan seekor beruang dihubungkan oleh leher yang lumayan panjang bak leher jerapah kerdil. Dengan kuku-kukunya yang panjang nan tajam, serta kemampuan berlari dengan baik tentunya ia memiliki pertahanan diri yang baik untuk menghindari ancaman para predator. Moropus hidup di wilayah Asia selatan dan barat sekitar 12.000 tahun lalu.
Inilah salah satu makhluk purba yang banyak diklaim para penganut Neo-Darwinisme sebagai bukti kuat periode transisi spesies makhluk laut ke darat. Ambulocetus, hewan purba dengan perawakan mirip campuran nenek moyang paus dan berang-berang hidup di wilayah yang kini disebut sebagai Pakistan modern sekitar 50 juta tahun lalu. Panjang tubuh seekor Ambulotecetus dewasa diperkirakan sekitar 12 kaki. Bentuk kepalanya besar dengan rahang yang panjang. Gigi-gigi tajamnya didesain untuk menangkap dan mencengkram mangsanya. Didalam air, ia dapat bergerak dengan gesit berkat bantuan ekornya yang digunakan sebagai “motor” bagi tubuhnya.
Sebelum kemunculan Dinosaurus, kehidupan makhluk di Bumi pernah diramaikan oleh beberapa hewan aneh yang menyerupai reptil. Salah satunya ialah Lystrosaurus. Hewan purba yang cukup menarik karena bentuk tubuhnya yang aneh ini hidup di habitat berawa-rawa, namun ia juga tidak masalah jika harus terpaksa mendiami tempat-tempat yang tergolong kering. Lystrosaurus diperkirakan mendiami bumi sekitar 230 juta tahun yang lalu.
Sekitar 20 juta tahun yang lalu, Amerika selatan merupakan daratan yang memiliki begitu banyak variasi spesies burung dan mamalia. Salah satunya yang cukup terkenal ialah spesies burung karnivora bernamaPhorusrhacos. Ia adalah spesies burung yang tidak dapat terbang. Tinggi badannya bisa mencapai 10 kaki (3 meter). Meskipun tidak dapat terbang, mereka ialah pelari-pelari cepat. Ini menjadikan Phorusrhacos dapat dengan mudah untuk menangkap mangsanya. Spesies Phorusrhacos diperkirakan eksis hingga 3 juta tahun yang lalu. Para ilmuwan memperkirakan kepunahan Phorusrhacos disebabkan oleh munculnya beberapa predator lain yang bermigrasi dari Amrika Utara ke Selatan setelah keduanya dihubungkan oleh daratan Amerika tengah yang muncul ke daratan.
Saya yakin pasti kawan-kawan sudah tidak asing lagi dengan hewan legendaris yang satu ini. Mammoth merupakan salah satu hewan purba yang begitu populer. Fisiknya menyerupai gajah namun memiliki bulu lebat disekujur tubuhnya. Perawakannya yang besar serta tambahan “senjata” berupa gading yang begitu panjang membuatnya begitu sulit untuk ditaklukkan predator manapun. Lukisan-lukisan yang di goreskan pada dinding-dinding gua oleh para manusia purba banyak menggambarkan betapa sulitnya hewan ini untuk ditaklukkan oleh mereka. Mammoth merupakan hewan yang mendiami sekitar pulau Wrangel di pesisir utara Siberia. Banyak Ilmuwan percaya, generasi terakhir Mammoth masih dapat dijumpai sekitar 4000 tahun yang lalu saat konstruksi piramida Khufu di Giza, Mesir telah selesai dibangun.
Harimau Gigi Pedang
Inilah hewan purba yang bagi saya paling mempesona, Harimau Gigi Pedang. Mereka merupakan salah satu hewan zaman es yang begitu terkenal. Salah satu predator terganas nan mematikan yang pernah menginjakkan kakinya di bumi ini. Harimau Gigi Pedang mendiami wilayah barat Amerika Serikat pada akhir zaman es, tetapi mereka juga tersebar beberapa wilayah Amerika Utara lainnya serta beberapa berdiam di wilayah Amerika Selatan.
Diketahui, terdapat dua Genus dari hewan ini, yaitu Genus Smilodon dan Genus Homotherium. Pada umumnya jenis dari Genus Smilidon panjang taringnya bisa mencapai lebih dari 18 centimeter, sedangkan untuk genus Homotherium memiliki panjang taring sekitar 10 centimeter. Hewan ini memburu kuda, banteng, antelope sebagai makanannya.(Dipta)
about Cyber Information
Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011
Hewan-Hewan Prasejarah yang Mempesona
KH Achmad Munib Sang Anti Pancasila
Penerapan hukum dengan Pancasila dinilai oleh KH Achmad Munib, bertentangan dengan syariat Islam. Sehingga bila tidak menggunakan syariat Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dia mengategorikan sebagai orang kafir.
Bahkan, pada saat itu, Kiai Munib - panggilan KH Achmad Munib - sempat mempunyai 150 santri. Namun para santri akhirnya berhenti dengan sendirinya ketika Kiai Munib mulai menutup diri dan tidak menerima tamu.
Tulisan anti Pancasila juga terdapat di pintu teras masuk rumah yang kondisinya digembok rapat dan sudah berkarat. Tulisan arab dengan warna biru jelas terlihat. "Anti Pancasila Kewajiban Kita Umat Islam". Bahkan, kalimat serupa juga ada di tembok depan masjid Nurul Falah yang dibangun kiyai anti Pancasila tersebut. Jaraknya sekitar 50 meter dari rumahnya.
Setiap orang yang masuk masjid tersebut tidak akan menduga jika tulisan arab yang ditulis dengan huruf kaligrafi berwarna biru yang dikelilingi Ayat Kursi terdapat kalimat "Anti Pancasila Kewajiban Kita Umat Islam". Kalimat tersebut bukan nama sebuah masjid, sebab di atas sebelah utara masjid bertuliskan, "Masjid Nurul Falah". Masjid tersebut digunakan untuk umum.
Sikap MUI selama ini
Menurut MUI, ajaran KH Achmad Munib tidak menyimpang. Ajaran anti Pancasila yang dilakukan KH Achmad Munib sama dengan ajaran agama Islam pada umumnya. Praktek ibadah dan perilaku setiap harinya tidak menyimpang dari Hadist dan Al-Qur'an.
Masjid Nurul Falah
Meski mengajarkan anti Pancasila, Ketua MUI Kecamatan Dasuk, Sumenep, KH Syamsul Arifin menganggap ajaran agama yang disampaikan KH Achmad Munib tidak ada yang aneh. "Hanya menyatakan Anti Pancasila dan mempunyai keinginan mendirikan negara Islam," ujar Syamsul Arifin.
Ajaran anti Pancasila, kata dia, tidak berdampak pada masyarakat sekitar. Bahkan, warga sekitar menilai jika ajaran yang diberikan kiai Munib hal yang aneh tidak perlu diikuti. "Warga tidak mengikuti pemahaman Anti Pancasila itu, namun tidak berani merusak tulisan yang ada di masjid," ungkapnya.
Syamsul yang juga seorang tokoh masyarakat ini menilai jika yang bersangkutan khilaf. Artinya, apa yang disampaikan tidak harus diikuti oleh orang yang normal pada umumnya, dan tidak ada pengikutnya soal anti Pancasila itu. "Namanya orang khilaf mau diapakan? Ya biarkan saja. Lingkungannya juga tidak berdampak," tegasnya.
Sementara, salah seorang anggota DPRD Sumenep, A Samsul Rizal, mengatakan kiai yang mengaku anti Pancasila itu tergolong kiai Jadap, atau salah seorang yang kehidupannya antara khilaf dan waliyullah. "Apa yang disampaikan menjadi tanda-tanda dan sulit untuk dilogikakan. Namun, soal anti Pancasila juga tidak ada pengaruh pada lingkungan," kata Samsul saat ditemui di kantornya, Jalan Trunojoyo.
Masyarakat sekitar, tambah dia, tidak mau untuk membicarakan kiai tersebut yang berkaitan dengan Pancasila. Sebab diyakini akan terjadi konsekwensi tersendiri. Konsekwensi itu terjadi secara ghaib. "Warga yang tidak suka dengan ideologi anti Pancasila itu ya tidak mau membicarakan, mereka membiarkan saja," pungkasnya.
Sikap Polisi
Aparat kepolisian bukan tidak tahu keberadaan KH Achmad Munib, yang menyatakan anti Pancasila. Namun karena ajaran itu tidak berdampak pada lingkungan sekitar, maka polisi belum perlu mengamankan yang bersangkutan.
WakaPolres Sumenep, Kompol Achmad Husin, menjelaskan, setiap warga negara harus punya ediologi sesuai dengan yang berlaku di negara Indonesia. Jika ada yang tidak mengakui perlu dipertanyakan.
Namun, keinginan untuk mendirikan negara Islam dan menyatakan anti Pancasila merupakan hak individu. "Selama keinginan itu tidak berdampak pada warga dan tidak ada pengikutnya, biarkan saja," kata Kompol Achmad Husin.
Menurut dia, bila yang bersangkutan berdakwah dan merekrut orang lain, maka yang bersangkutan tetap salah dan perlu penyelidikan. "Sampai saat ini Sumenep aman-aman saja," ujarnya.
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, KH Achmad Munib yang tinggal di Desa Beluk Kenek, Kecamatan Ambunten, Kabupaten Sumenep, Madura mempunyai ajaran yang sedikit nyleneh. Dia selalu berdakwah anti Pancasila, karena berniat mendirikan negara Islam.
sumber: Cyber Information 10 Biggest Mafias Around the world
10. Jamaican-British Yardies

Jamaican-British Yardies were the Jamaicans who immigrated to Britain in 1950s. They were involved in gang violence and got to be known as Yardies. They conduct organized crimes like drug trade and other gun crimes. They haven’t tried infiltrating the law enforcement system so they aren’t considered to be as strong as other mafia groups. All the crimes involve the use of firearms the use of which is strictly controlled in Britain.
9. The Albanian Mafia

The Albanian Mafia consists of a large number of criminal organizations which are based in Albania. They are active in US and European countries as well. It is said that the Albanian mafia spread to international levels in the 1980s. Organized crime prevailed in Albania right from the 15th century. In United States and United Kingdom, they run sex and drug trafficking rackets and are known for quick use of violence for vengeance.
8. The Serbian mafia

The Serbian mafia operates in more than ten nations including Germany, United States, United Kingdom, France, etc. They are involved in diverse activities like drug trafficking, smuggling, contract killing, protection rackets, gambling and gen thefts. It has three major groups called Vozdovac, Surcin and Zemun which control the smaller groups. Presently there are about 30-40 groups working in Serbia.
7. Israeli Mafia

Israeli Mafia works in a lot of countries in activities like narcotics, drug trafficking and prostitution. Times have changed as the Israeli mafia was once looked at with awe and known for its patronage but today they are ruthless and don’t think twice about killing by standers. The Russian-Israeli Mafia has permeated the US political system so well that the US forces are failing to make any significant progress in stopping them.
6. Mexican Mafia

Mexican Mafia is a very strong prison gang in the United States. It was started in the late 1950s to protect prisoners against other inmates and from the officers. This gang has also been involved in extortion and drug trafficking. It has about 30,000 members all over the United States. The gang members sometimes sport a tattoo with a common design which is a Mexican national symbol over a flaming circle and crossed knives. It is said that there are 150 prison members who have the authority to command murder and 2000 associates who will execute these commands. They force gangs and dealers to pay a protection tax and the ones who refuse will be killed.
5. Japanese Yakuza

Japanese Yakuza is a native organized crime group which uses threat and extortion to get their way. Its origin is found to be in the 17th century. A missing joint of the little finger is a tell tale sign of the gang members. This is often offered to the leader as an act of appeasement or apology. Some of the members even have full body tattoos. It has 110,000 active members in this group who are from 2500 families. They are involved in protection rackets, importing uncensored pornography from Europe and America, prostitution and in illegal immigration.
4. Chinese Triads

Chinese Triads consists of many criminal organizations which are based in Mainland China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, etc. They are also very active in New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, Vancouver as well as San Francisco. Their organized crime involves theft, contract killing, drug trafficking, extortion, piracy, etc. It is now involved in piracy as well. They started in the 18th century but were called Tian Di Hui then. Even though it is steadily increasing in power, the activities have been low key. The triads can have 50 to over 30,000 members. They are also involved in counterfeiting Chinese currency.
3. Colombian Drug Cartels

Colombian Drug Cartels were formed mainly for controlling and trafficking drugs. They operate in a lot of countries. They have many organizations that deal with political, military and legal aspects of the cartels. The important cartels from Columbia are the Cali Cartel, Medellin Cartel and the Norte del Valle Cartel. At one point these cartels were threatened by the extradition treaty between the US and Columbia. The lords went into hiding and ordered its members to kill its supporters. They have also been involved in a lot of kidnappings and terrorism
2. Sicilian and American Cosa Nostra

Sicilian and American Cosa Nostra is a relatively new group. It was started in the second half of the nineteenth century in Italy. In spite of it being a young mafia, it has a great ability to plan large crimes and get away with it. It is involved in protection rackets, drug and arms trafficking, mediation of criminal business are some of the things the Sicilian and American Cosa Nostra are involved in. It has a small number of members ranging from 3500 to 4000. In addition to these members they have associates who aren’t true members. A member will have to undergo the initiation ceremony where he will probably have to murder somebody to prove his worth. Every member will have to follow the code of silence.
1. Russian Mafia


Russian Mafia originated in the Soviet Union and now has influence all over the world. It has between 100,000 to 500,000 members. They are involved in organized crimes in countries like Israel, Hungary, Spain, Canada, UK, US, Russia, etc. They have also immigrated to Israel, America and Germany by using Jewish and German identities. Their activities include drug and firearm trafficking, bombings, smuggling, pornography, internet fraud, etc. One of their rules is to never co-operate with the authorities. If any of the members squealed when captured, they would be killed on release. They are feared for their vandalism, terrorism, organ trafficking and contract killings.
source: Cyber Information
Top 10 Places You Can’t Go
The world is full of secret and exclusive places that we either don’t know about, or simply couldn’t visit if we wanted to. This list takes a look at ten of the most significant places around the world that are closed to the general public or are virtually impossible for the general public to visit.

Mezhgorye is a closed town in Russia which is believed to house people working on the highly secret Mount Yamantaw. The town was founded in 1979. Mount Yamantaw stands at 1,640 metres (5,381 ft) and is the highest mountain in the southern Urals. Along with Kosvinsky Mountain (600 km to the north), it is suspected by the United States of being a large secret nuclear facility and/or bunker. Large excavation projects have been observed by U.S. satellite imagery as recently as the late 1990s, during the time of Boris Yeltsin’s pro-Western government after the fall of the Soviet Union. Two garrisons, Beloretsk-15 and Beloretsk-16, were built on top of the facility. Repeated U.S. questions have yielded several different responses from the Russian government regarding Mount Yamantaw. They have said it is a mining site, a repository for Russian treasures, a food storage area, and a bunker for leaders in case of nuclear war.
Vatican Secret Archives

This has been mentioned on a previous list – the archives are not secret despite their names. You can view any document you wish. But you cannot enter the archive. You must submit your request for a document and it will be supplied to you. Despite the foolishness of the recent junk from Ron Howard and Dan Brown (Angels and Demons) the documents are all available and there are no copies of suppressed scientific theories or great works that were banned. The only documents you can’t access are those which are not yet 75 years old (in order to protect diplomatic and governmental information). Indexes are available for people who want to see if a document exists in the archives. The Vatican Secret Archives have been estimated to contain 52 miles (84 km) of shelving, and there are 35,000 volumes in the selective catalogue alone.
Club 33

Contrary to popular belief, Disneyland has a full liquor license which is used when the place closes down to the general public to accommodate private parties. But there is one place in Disneyland that is always open to sell booze: Club 33. Club 33 is a private club located in the heart of the New Orleans Square section of Disneyland. Officially maintained as a secret feature of the theme park, the entrance of the club is located next to the Blue Bayou Restaurant at “33 Royal Street” with the entrance recognizable by an ornate address plate with the number 33 engraved on it. Fees for joining range from 10 – 30 thousand US dollars and membership comes with a car park. If you want to join the club, you have to go to the end of the fourteen year waiting list.
Moscow Metro-2

Metro-2 in Moscow, Russia is a purported secret underground metro system which parallels the public Moscow Metro. The system was built supposedly during (or from) the time of Stalin and codenamed D-6 by the KGB. Russian journalists have reported that the existence of Metro-2 is neither confirmed nor denied by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) or the Moscow Metro administration. The length of Metro-2 is rumored to exceed even that of the “civil” (i.e. public) Metro. (It is said to have 4 lines and lie 50 to 200 m deep. It is said to connect the Kremlin with the FSB headquarters, the government airport at Vnukovo-2, and an underground town at Ramenki, in addition to other locations of national importance. Needless to say, the fact that no one confirms its existence makes it pretty difficult to visit.
White’s Gentlemen’s Club

White’s is the most exclusive English gentlemen’s club. It was founded in 1693 by Italian Francesco Bianco (Francis White) to sell the newly discovered hot chocolate but eventually became a typical (but extremely private) gentlemen’s club. The club is famous for its “betting book” in which members make bizarre gambles. The most famous of which is a 3,000 pound bet on which of two raindrops would slide down the window first. So why is this club on the list? Women are excluded completely from membership, so that is half our audience out. Secondly, men who want to join this exclusive club can only do so if invited by a sitting member who has the support of two other members. Unless you are a member of royalty, or are extremely powerful in politics or the arts, you are unlikely to ever see the exclusive White’s invitation.
Area 51

I have put this so high on the list because it is the one place most readers are likely to expect to see. Area 51 is a nickname for a military base that is located in the southern portion of Nevada in the western United States, 83 miles (133 km) north-northwest of downtown Las Vegas. Situated at its center, on the southern shore of Groom Lake, is a large secretive military airfield. The base’s primary purpose is to support development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems. The intense secrecy surrounding the base, the very existence of which the U.S. government barely acknowledges, has made it the frequent subject of conspiracy theories and a central component to unidentified flying object (UFO) folklore. The sign above states that deadly force can be used if people enter the Area 51 zone.
Room 39

Room 39 or Bureau 39 is arguably one of the most secretive organizations in North Korea that seeks ways to obtain foreign currency for Kim Jong-il, North Korea’s Chairman of the National Defense Commission. Room 39 was established in the late 1970s. It has been described as the lynchpin of the North’s so-called “court economy” centered on the dynastic Kim family. It is unknown how the name originated. Very little is known about Room 39 due to the secretive nature surrounding the organization, but it is widely speculated that the organization uses 10 to 20 bank accounts in China and Switzerland for the purposes of counterfeiting, money laundering, and other illicit transactions. It is also alleged that Room 39 is involved in drug smuggling and illicit weapon sales. It is known, however, that the organization has 120 foreign trade companies under its jurisdiction and is under the direct control of Kim Jong-il. North Korea has denied taking part in any illegal activities. Room 39 is believed to be located inside a ruling Workers’ Party building in Pyongyang, the capital city of North Korea.
Ise Grand Shrine

The Ise Grand Shrine in Japan (which is actually a series of over 100 shrines) is the most sacred shrine in Japan. It is dedicated to Amaterasu (the Sun goddess) and has been in existence since 4BC. The main shrine is alleged to hold the most important item in Japan’s imperial history: the Naikū (the mirror from Japanese mythology which eventually ended up in the hands of the first emperors). The shrine is demolished and rebuilt every 20 years in keeping with the Shinto idea of death and rebirth (the next rebuilding will be in 2013). This ranks very high on the list of places you will never go because the only person who can enter is the priest or priestess and he must be a member of the Japanese imperial family. So unless we have a Japanese prince or princess reading the site, no one here will ever see anything more than the thatched roof of the Ise Grand Shrine.
Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center

This is a place that is not only closed to the public, but it is a place that the public hope to never have to enter! In most “end of the world” films we see these days, there is always a highly classified area where US government officials and a chosen few get to go in the hopes that they can escape the impending doom. The Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center is the real thing. It was set up in the 1950s due to the cold war but continues to operate today. It is a “last hope” area. For obvious reasons its operations are highly classified. It is run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The center is already functioning and even in small local disasters in the US, much of the telecommunications traffic is routed through it.
RAF Menwith Hill

RAF Menwith Hill is a British military base with connections to the global ECHELON spy network. The site contains an extensive satellite ground station and is a communications intercept and missile warning site and has been described as the largest electronic monitoring station in the world. The site acts as a ground station for a number of satellites operated by the US National Reconnaissance Office, on behalf of the US National Security Agency, with antennae contained in a large number of highly distinctive white radomes, and is alleged to be an element of the ECHELON system. ECHELON was reportedly created to monitor the military and diplomatic communications of the Soviet Union and its Eastern Bloc allies during the Cold War in the early 1960s, but since the end of the Cold War it is believed to search also for hints of terrorist plots, drug dealers’ plans, and political and diplomatic intelligence. It has also been involved in reports of commercial espionage and is believed to filter all telephone and radio communications in the nations which host it – an extreme violation of privacy.
source: Cyber Information kenapa pria suka melihat pameran mobil















Meja Komputer Tersembunyi
Sync Desktop adalah meja kerja yang mempunyai bentuk seperti layaknya meja kerja yang biasa kita temukan dengan desain yang sedikit futuristik tetapi siapa yang menyangka bahwa di meja ini sudah tersedia sebuah komputer yang cukup lengkap di dalamnya.


Dengan membuka bagian atas, anda bisa menemukan satu buah monitor LCD widescreen dan sebuah wireless keyboard dan mouse. Desainnya juga memperhatikan aliran udara untuk panas yang dikeluarkan oleh CPU sehingga suhu di CPU akan tetap dalam keadaan normal.


Dengan meja seperti ini akan memberikan kemudahan dan bila anda sedang membutuhkan ruang kerja yang lebih besar, anda cukup menutup layar yang ada.
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